Call for Proposal-2025 at MRU, IPGM&ER - Notice dated 17.01.2025
Advertisement for the post of Site Coordinator, Dept of Neurology, IPGM&ER - Notice dated 11.01.2025
Result of the interview of Project Technical Support - III, IPGME&R - Notice dated 09.01.2025
Result of the interview of Lab Technician, IPGME&R - Notice dated 09.01.2025
Interview call for shortlisted candidates for Lab Technician, IPGM&ER - Notice dated 20.12.2024
Selected candidate of JRF Psychology, Dept. of Neonatology, IPGM&ER - Notice dated 16.12.2024
Notice for demonstration of bacterial incubator with shaker, IPGM&ER - Notice dated 16.12.2024
Notice for demonstration of spin Centrifuge, IPGM&ER - Notice dated 16.12.2024
Notice for order of Reconstituted library & canteen committee, IPGM&ER - Notice dated 13.12.2024
Notice for order of Safety & Security Committee, IPGM&ER - Notice dated 07.12.2024
Application for 2nd IBSC meeting of IPGME&R - Notice dated 05.11.2024
Walk in interview for the post of Project Associate-I at IPGME&R - Notice dated 30.10.2024
Notice regarding Physical varification of medicine at IPGME&R, Kolkata - Notice dated 23.10.2024
Non-Stipendiary Housestaffship in the department of Dentistry - Notice dated 13.09.2024
Selected candidates for post of UDC/Accountant, IPGME&R, Kolkata - Notice dated 26.07.2024
Corrigendum notice for the post of UDC/Accountant, IPGME&R - Notice dated 17.07.2024
Advertisement notice for Project Technical Support -III of IPGME&R - Notice dated 16.07.2024
Advertisement notice for testnet project of IPGME&R - Notice dated 12.07.2024
Application for the post of Project Research Scientist-I at MRU, IPGME&R - Notice dated 11.07.2024
Advertisement for recruitment of JRF for WB-DST project of IPGME&R - Notice dated 09.07.2024
Interview notice for Location Support Staff, IPGME&R, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.06.2024
Notice for RET certificate, IPGME&R - Notice dated 15.05.2024
RET 2024 Interview Notice - Notice, IPGME&R - Notice dated 10.05.2024
Notice for written exam of RET 2024, IPGME&R - Notice dated 27.04.2024
Results of the interview of JRF (Project Technical Support-II) at IPGME&R - Notice dated 15.03.2024
Selection of Laboratory Technician at ART Centre, IPGME&R - Notice dated 06.03.2024
Notification for demonstration for PA System Anatomy at IPGME&R - Notice dated 05.03.2024
IMPETUS project Research Assistant and DEO recruitment result at IPGME&R - Notice dated 28.02.2024
Multiple scelosis SRF recruitment result at IPGME&R - Notice dated 28.02.2024
Advertisement for the post of JRF at IPGME&R - Notice dated 16.02.2024
Advertisement for Senior Research Fellow in ICMR project at IPGME&R - Notice dated 12.02.2024
Advertisement for recruitment of JRF in ICMR project at IPGME&R - Notice dated 11.01.2024
Selected candidates for the post of Occupational Therapist at IPGME&R - Notice dated 08.01.2024
Walk in interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow at IPGME&R - Notice dated 02.01.2024
Advertisement For Research Assistant at BIN - Notice dated 21.12.2023
Notice For Research Paper Submission for 68th Foundation Day 2024 - Notice dated 20.12.2023
Walk in interview for the post of Project Technical Support III at IPGME&R - Notice dated 06.12.2023
List of sanctioned projects from MRU at IPGME&R - Notice dated 13.09.2023
Notice for 77th Independence Day flag hoisting at IPGME&R, Kolkata - Notice dated 03.08.2023
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow, IPGME&R - Kolkata - Notice dated 10.07.2023
Selected candidate for Senior Research Fellow at IPGME&R, Kolkata - Notice dated 22.06.2023
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow, IPGME&R - Kolkata - Notice dated 08.06.2023
Selected candidate of DEIC staffs, Dept. of Neonatology, IPGME&R Kolkata - Notice dated 03.06.2023
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow, IPGME&R - Kolkata - Notice dated 23.05.2023
Walk in interview for the post of JRF in WB-DST sponsored research project - Notice dated 11.05.2023
Notice for Disposal of Condemned Goods IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 06.05.2023
Notice - Shifting of Rare Disease Clinic IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 27.04.2023
Interview result SRF in the Dept. of Endocrinology - Notice dated 12.04.2023
List of selected name of candidates for dentistry - Notice dated 10.03.2023
Submission of annual report of Biomedical waste - Notice dated 06.03.2023
Advertisement for Senior Research Fellow (SRF) position - Notice dated 02.03.2023
Merit List Notice of DEO under V.R.D.L. Project - Notice dated 22.02.2023
Result of Walk tn lnterview of Junior Nurse Dept.of Microbiology, IPGME&R - Notice dated 20.02.2023
Advertisement notice for a Senoir Research Fellow in ICMR Project, IPGME&R - Notice dated 10.02.2023
Advertisement for Recruitment of DEIC staff, IPGME&R - Notice dated 07.02.2023
Applications are invited for the post of Junior Nurse(ICN) - Notice dated 03.02.2023
Selected Candidate for the post of Data Entry operator under VRDL Project - Notice dated 27.01.2023
Result of Interview of Research Assistant for the ICMR Project - Notice dated 31.12.2022
Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) - Notice dated 23.12.2022
Walk in interview for the post of One contractual Research Assistant - Notice dated 14.12.2022
Applications are invited for the post of Stipendiary House Staff - Notice dated 23.11.2022
Pre bid meeting for Flow Cytometer - Notice dated 23.11.2022
Notice for new MBBS students regarding Ragging - Notice dated 19.11.2022
Notice Regarding hostel for new MBBS students - Notice dated 18.11.2022
Online welcome session for MBBS 2022 admission batch - Notice dated 15.11.2022
Recruitment of Peer Support personnel at NVHCP - Notice dated 14.11.2022
Notice regarding commencement of MBBS classes for 2022 batch - Notice dated 07.11.2022
Notice for Document Verification for UG admissions - Notice dated 21.10.2022
Joining of MD-MS courses for 2022 PG admission batch - Notice dated 21.10.2022
Notice regarding PwD verification for NEET-UG and other candidates - Notice dated 05.10.2022
Admission to Paramedical Diploma courses under State Medical Faculty 2022. - Notice dated 24.09.2022
Document verification checklist for PG counseling 2022 State Quota - Notice dated 22.09.2022
Walk in interview for the post of JRF in WB-DST sponsored research project - Notice dated 08.09.2022
Result of interview held on 5-8-22 at BIN, annex-I, IPGME&R - Notice dated 17.08.2022
List of recommended projects to be funded by MRU, IPGME&R - Notice dated 20.07.2022
Part-I, D.Pharma Admission Verification Notice-2022-23 - Notice dated 18.07.2022
Advertisement for post of RA in VRDL - Notice dated 18.07.2022
Quotation notice for supply of MDC ANTIBODY 100 ul at Dept. of General Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 12.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of different items at Dept. of General Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 12.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of CXCL 10/IP-10, CXCLLL, CCL17,lL- 5, Polyclonal Antibody and ANTI-IL.15EA at Dept. of General Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 12.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Anti-Beta-Catenin Monoclonal Antibody, DAB-Detection Kit, Ethanol, Hematoxylin, Xylene (Extra pure) and Slide Box at Dept. General Surgery, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 12.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Anti-CD44 Monoclonal Antibody, Anti-ALDH1 Antibody & Anti-CD4 Antibody at Dept. General Surgery, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 12.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Radiation Protection Apparel Gonad / Head Shield at IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 11.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of DVT STOCKING for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 11.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Long Stem Modular Hemiarthroplasty for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 08.03.2025
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of sixteen medicines to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 06.03.2025
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of sixteen medicines to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 06.03.2025
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply the medicine to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 06.03.2025
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply the medicine to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 06.03.2025
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of two medicines to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 06.03.2025
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of six medicines to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 06.03.2025
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of ten medicines to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 06.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of DOSI FUSER for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 05.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of SODIUM CHLORIDE 3 LITRE for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 05.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of different items at various Department of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 05.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of CCL 4 Antibody, Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 04.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of FG-Tube 8-String Optical, Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 04.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of All in One Printer ink tank or Laser technology with WIF-Incapable of Print, Copy & Scan for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 04.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of PURISTERIL for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 04.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of CISTOSTERIL for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 04.03.2025
Corrigendum of Quotation Notice for purchase of Laptop , IPGM&ER - Notice dated 04.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of DVT Stocking for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 03.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Bipap Circuit for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 03.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Six items for NICU GENETIC LAB, Reagent Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 03.03.2025
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of 4+14 days FBNC Training of Staff Nurse from 03.03.2025 to 31.03.2025 Dept. of Neonatology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 01.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Baby Mucous Sucker for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 01.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Notice Board wooden framing with glass fitting for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 01.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of ELECTROCHEMICALLY SOLUTION WITH NEU WATER TECHNOLOGY for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 01.03.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Water Purifier/Filter for Office use for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 28.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Office Bags for carrying documents (20 Litre) for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 28.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Black table Top Fibre Glass (good quality) for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 28.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Pen Drive for storage 128 GB (USB 3.0) for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 28.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Rubber Stamp / facsimile or similar for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 28.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of EPSON INK 003 BLACK ORIGINAL for printer for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 28.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of INJ OMALIZUMAB for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 26.02.2025
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of Laptop, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 27.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of different items at various Department of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 27.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of different items at various Department of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 27.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Intimation regarding short-expiry & slow-moving Rigid lens for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 26.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of BUPIVACAINE HEAVY for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 26.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of PARACETAMOL INFUSION for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 26.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of LONG STEM MODULAR HEMIARTHROPLASTY for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 26.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of CCL3 & CCL5 Antibody at Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Mitosox Red Mithochondrial Supe at Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of High Capacity CDNA Reverse Transcription Kit at Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Cyro Box and other different items at various Department, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.02.2025
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of six special diet to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Neuroviral Panel detection kit, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 22.02.2025
Quotation for food to trainees and trainers during 4 days for Refresher Training for SNCU Medical officer & Staff Nurses at Dept. of Neonatology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 21.02.2025
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items at Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 20.02.2025
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of MDC Antibody 100 ul at Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 20.02.2025
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of three medicines to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 20.02.2025
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of twelve medicines to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 20.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 15.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of INACTIVATED INFLUENZA VACCIN for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 15.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of INTRACAMERAL MOXIFLOXACIN for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 15.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of SERVO DUO GUARD for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 15.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Iodine adhesive coated polyurethane film (50 X 35 cm) for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 15.02.2025
Quotation of COVID-19 RT Pcr Kit, RNA Extraction Kit for Microbiology , Reagent Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of NORMAL SALINE 3% for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of NORMAL SALINE 100 ML for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of LEVOFLOXACIN INFUSION for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of MANNITOL INFUSION for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of NORMAL SALINE 500 ML for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Calcium Sulphate Putty for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Microscope Bulb for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of DNS 500 ML for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of TRUPCR Respiratory viral panel kit at IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 15.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Neuroviral Panel detection kit at IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 15.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of PURISTERIL for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 13.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of CISTOSTERIL for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 13.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of BENZYL PENNICILLIN for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 13.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Wall mounted lead jacket hanger for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 13.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Prefilled ligaclip applicator with cartridge for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 13.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of IMPLANT OF MOSTAKIM MONDAL for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 13.02.2025
Call quotation for 4 days Refresher training at SNCU, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 12.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Camcorder Camera at Dept. of Neurology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 11.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Cytology at IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 11.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of External Peritoneal Dialysis Solution at IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 10.02.2025
Quotation notice for Neuroviral panel RT pcr by real time PCR KIT at Microbiology Dept., IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 07.02.2025
Quotation notice for Respiratory Viral Panel Pathaogen kit by RT PCR, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 07.02.2025
Quotation notice for supply of CALCIUM SULPHATE DEHYDRATE for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 31.01.2025
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of 4+14 days FBNC Training of Staff Nurse from 11.02.2025 to 03.03.2025 Dept. of Neonatology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 31.01.2025
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of different items for Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 30.01.2025
Notice inviting Quotation for Spirometer with Flowmeter of Pneumotach for Dept. of Physiology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 29.01.2025
Notice inviting Quotation for Tilt Table with Goniometer for Dept. of Physiology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 29.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of HAIR REMOVER CREAM for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 28.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of SYRUP BACLOFEN for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 28.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of INJ BENZYL PENNICILLIN for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 28.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 28.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of INJ ROPIVACAINE for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 28.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of different items at Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 25.01.2025
Quotation notice for Scrub Typus Detect IgM ELISA Kit at Dept. of Microbiology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.01.2025
Quotation notice for Leptospira IgM ELISA Kit at Dept. of Microbiology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Inj Avibactum 1 gm, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of All in One Printer ink tank or Laser technology with WI-Incapable of Print, Copy & Scan for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 22.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Big Drum Dustbin/ 60 litre or more for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 22.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Table Cloth for Office Use Purpose for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 22.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Photo copier machine for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 22.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of CUSION COATED CHAIR FOR OFFICE USE for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 22.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Camcorder Camera at Dept. of Neurology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 22.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Oleranon locking plate & screw system - TITANIUM for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 20.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Oleranon locking hook plate & screw system - TITANIUM for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 20.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of 4.5 Non Locking recon plate & screw system - TITANIUM for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 20.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of 4.5 Locking recon plate & screw system - TITANIUM for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 20.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of 2.7 & 3.5 mm Distal fibula locking plate & screw system - TITANIUM for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 20.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of IMPLANT OF SUSHIL DHARA for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of HAIR REMOVER for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of BENZYL PENNICILIN for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of TALC FOR INTRPLEURAL ADMINISTRATION for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of INJ ROPIVACAINE for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of SACRAL PATCH for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of Pre loaded 3 piece Intraocular Lens (Aurolab) for Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of 10 (Ten) Items for BIN Genetic Lab, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 07.01.2025
Quotation notice for supply of different items for PI-Department of Endocrinology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 06.01.2025
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for Plastic Surgery Department of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 30.12.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for different Units of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 30.12.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation of Syringe 50ml only for copatible any brand syringe pump, Pathology Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.12.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items to Dept. of Endocrinology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.12.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Conjugateed Vaccine 13 Valent to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 16.12.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for different Units of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 11.12.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of four medicines to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 11.12.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Nitisinone Cap to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 11.12.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of one item to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 11.12.2024
Quotation for supplyof Three Items, Pathology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 09.12.2024
Quotation for supply of 14 NOS Elisa Kit, Pathology Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 09.12.2024
Quotation for Dept. of SDLD, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 30.11.2024
Quotation of Microscope Frosted Glass Slide, Pathology Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.11.2024
Quotation for supply Scrub Typhus DetectTM IgM ELISA Kit, 96 Tests, Dept. of Microbiology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.11.2024
Quotation of Dengue NS1 & Dengue IgM Elisa Kit , Pathology Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 25.11.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Printer for Dept. of Psychiatry, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 23.11.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of six medicines to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 20.11.2024
Quotation for supply of miRCURY LNA starter kit, miRNeasy kit for WB-DST funded project - Notice dated 18.11.2024
Quotation for supply of Foetal Bovine Serum, PVDF Membrane & Flask for WB-DST funded project - Notice dated 18.11.2024
Quotation for supply of RFA ANTENA, Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 14.11.2024
Quotation for supply of OSTEOSITE NEEDLE 16G, Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 14.11.2024
Quotation for supply of Scrub Typhus & Leptospira IgM Elisa Kit, Pathology Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 12.11.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of five medicines to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 09.11.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of one medicine to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 09.11.2024
Quotation notice for Project Bill & Melinda Gates (BMGD) funded project, Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 11.11.2024
Quotation notice for Leptosipra Igm ELISA kits for Dept. of Microbilogy, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 09.11.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for different Units of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 09.11.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for SDLD ERCP Unit of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 09.11.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for Spinwin centrifuge for centre for Liver Research, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 25.10.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for Backterial Incubator with shaker for centre for Liver Research, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 25.10.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation supply of EasySep Direct Hu CD4 Iso Kit at Multidisciplinary Unit, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 19.10.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation supply of different items at various Department of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 04.10.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation supply of Linen Bucket (Yellow and Green) at various Department of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 05.10.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation supply of 2 items Dept of Anatomy at IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 11.09.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items for Dept of Pharmacology at IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 11.09.2024
Quotation Notice for Demonstration of Human DEFβ2_DEFB2 (Defensin Beta 2) ELISA Kit for Dept of SDLD at IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 11.09.2024
Quotation Notice for Demonstration of Mouse & Rabbit specific HRPDAB IHC Detection Kit-with all accessories for Dept of Pathology at IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 11.09.2024
Quotation Notice for Demonstration of PA System Dept of Pediatrict Medicine at IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 11.09.2024
Quotation for purchasing two dressing items, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 07.09.2024
Quotation of Reagent Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 06.09.2024
Quotation notice for SYTOX green Nuclelic Acid for fellowship project funded by SERB, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 04.09.2024
Quotation notice for DAF-FM Diacetate for fellowship project funded by SERB, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 04.09.2024
Quotation notice for Thiol Tracker for fellowship project funded by SERB, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 04.09.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 04.09.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 04.09.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Intravenous Amino Acid Inj 10% for Infants to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 02.09.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Perfluoro Octane Liquid (Parenteral) to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 02.09.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for Urology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.08.2024
Quotation notice for supply of different items for OT ward, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital Annex-I BIN, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.08.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of Analytical Balance for Pathology Department, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.08.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of five medicines to Medicine Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.08.2024
Quotation for Mouse & Rabbit specific HRPDAB IHC Detection Kit with all accessories for Dept of Pathology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.08.2024
Quotation for PA System for Dept of Pediatric Medicine, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.08.2024
Quotation for Human DEFβ2 / DEFB2 (Defensin Beta 2) ELISA Kit for Dept of SDLD, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.08.2024
Quotation notice for Lock and Key for IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 27.08.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of medicine to Medicine Store, Bangur Institute of Neurosciences, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 17.08.2024
Quotation of Trinocular Microscope without camera at Department of Microbiology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 14.08.2024
Quotation for B-Braun Syringe 50 Ml for Microbiology Lab, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 09.08.2024
Call quotation for food (4 days) FBNC Training of Nurses at Department of Neonatology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 08.08.2024
Call quotation for food (14 days) FBNC Training of Nurses at Department of Neonatology, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 08.08.2024
Quotation of VDRL Latex kit Pathology Store, IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 06.08.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of VDRL SHAKER Machine for Blood Centre of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 06.08.2024
Quotation notice for supply of different items Dept. of Pharmacology at IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 03.08.2024
Quotation notice for supply of Ventilation Devices at IPGMR&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 02.08.2024
Quotation notice for supply of Physical Demonstration of Bacterial Incubator with shaker at IPGMR&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 01.08.2024
Quotation notice for supply of Physical Demonstration of Spin win Centrifuge at IPGMR&R and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 01.08.2024
Quotation notice for Whole Exome Sequencing and Analysis at Dept. of Endocrinology of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 30.07.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for different Units of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 29.07.2024
Notice inviting Quotation for BLS Manikin, IPGME&R - Notice dated 27.07.2024
Quotation of Acanthameoba of Pathology Store, IPGME&R - Notice dated 22.07.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Sigma M252O-1OXIL and Sigma R6604-1OXIL RPMI-I640, IPGME&R - Notice dated 17.07.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of medicine to Medicine Store, IPGME&R - Notice dated 15.07.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of medicine to Medicine Store, IPGME&R - Notice dated 15.07.2024
Notice inviting Quotation for Whole Exome Sequence Analysis and mRNA Sequencing & Analysis at Dept. of Endocrinology of IPGME&R - Notice dated 10.07.2024
Notice inviting Quotation for Laboratory General Purpose Centrifuge for project named Establishment of a Multidisciplinary Unit of IPGME&R - Notice dated 09.07.2024
Notice inviting Quotation of HRP Polymer Detection Kit of Pathology Store IPGME&R - Notice dated 08.07.2024
Notice inviting Quotation for centre of Liver Disease SDLD IPGME&R - Notice dated 08.07.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of Washing Machine for the different Units of IPGME&R - Notice dated 05.07.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for IPGME&R - Notice dated 05.07.2024
Call quotation for food (14days) FBNC Training of Nurses at Department of Neonatology IPGME&R - Notice dated 03.07.2024
Call quotation for food (4days) FBNC Training of Nurses at Department of Neonatology IPGME&R - Notice dated 03.07.2024
Quotation invited for Enzyme items - Notice dated 28.06.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for Urology Department of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 26.06.2024
Quotation for Supply of Viral Load & Stationary Items, IPGME&R SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 26.06.2024
Quotation notice for supply of different items at different Unit of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 25.06.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of Coronary Scissors for the Urology Department of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 22.06.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items at Dept. of Neurology, BIN, IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 19.06.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of TRUFS (BOAT), IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 15.06.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Neuroviral Panel Real-Time PCR Kit, 10 runs for use of ICNA project of Bangur Institute of Neurosciences, to conducted using MRU facilities, IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 14.06.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of RNase R at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 12.06.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 06.06.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of HEM-O-LOK Ligating Clip Applicator for Urology OT of IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 06.06.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 05.06.2024
Quotation notice for procurement of Endoscope for New ENT OT of IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 05.06.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Neuroviral Panel Real-Time PCR Kit, 10 runs for use of ICNA project of Bangur Institute of Neurosciences, to conducted using MRU facilities, IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 30.05.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Biological Refrigerator for Pathology Department, IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 22.05.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items for for All Department of IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 22.05.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items for Pathology Store, IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 15.05.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of ELISA Kits for Department of Pharmacology, IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 15.05.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of molecular biology reagents for Department of Pharmacology, IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 14.05.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of antibodies for Department of Pharmacology, IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 14.05.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items for Department of Neurology, BIN, IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 14.05.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items for All Department of IPGME&R-SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 03.05.2024
Quotation for Polypropylene bottle at Neonatology Department at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 03.05.2024
Quotation for food to trainees and trainers during 1day Advanced Neonatal Resuscitation Provider Course at Neonatology Department at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 30.04.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items at Pathology Store IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 24.04.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Epicardial Lead at Cardiology Dept. of IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 23.04.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items at different Dept. of IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 24.04.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of CAMP COT at Blood Centre, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 23.04.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Telescope 30 degree,4mm at Dept. of Urology, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 23.04.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation of one dressing item for supply to Linen store at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 01.04.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for Desktop Computer and HP Printer at BIN - Notice dated 27.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation of Lunch for FBNC training of nurses for 4 days at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 27.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation of Lunch for FBNC training of nurses for 14 days at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 27.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation of Breakfast and evening snacks for FBNC training of nurses for 4 days at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 27.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation of Breakfast and evening snacks for FBNC training of nurses for 14 days at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 27.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Direct Cool Refrigerator (2-8°C) to Microbiology Dept. at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 14.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Vial Vibrio Cholerae Antis to Microbiology Dept. at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 13.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items to Cardiology Dept. at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 12.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items to SDLD Dept. at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 12.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of medicine to Medicine Store at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 12.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Computer Desktop and Printer Hp to Bangur Institute of Neurosciences at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 11.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items to Dept. of Pharmacology at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 07.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items to Dept. of Cardiology at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 05.03.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for Repair work of Drawer of working table at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 21.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of PA System to Dept. of Anatomy at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 21.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Laptop - HP 15s Intel Core i3 12th Gen (1215U) at Bangur Institute of Neurosciences, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 19.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Giemsa stain solution-125ml to Pathology Store at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 19.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items to Dept. of Neurology at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 16.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Two food items to Medicine Store at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 12.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of medicine to Medicine Store at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 12.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of medicine to Medicine Store at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 12.02.2024
Quotation Notice for Nucleic acid extraction to VRDL unit at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 10.02.2024
Quotation Notice for Respiratory viral pathogen kit to Department of Microbiology at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 10.02.2024
Quotation Notice for Neurovirology RTPCR Kits to VRDL unit at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 10.02.2024
Quotation Notice for answer sheet IPGMER to Department of Physiology at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 09.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for different items of Physical Demonstration to Department of Pediatric Medicine at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 05.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of FG-Optical cap and PCR tube-strip 0.1ml to Department of Pharmacology at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 02.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items to Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 02.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Fetal Bovine Serum, Penicillin-Streptomycin and Amphotericin B to Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 02.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Ultrapure Agarose and Dimethyl Sulfoxide Hybri-Max Sterile to Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 02.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase and RNase-OUT to Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 02.02.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of medicine to Medicine Store at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 01.02.2024
Quotation Notice for supply of Antiserum at IPGME&R -SSKMH - Notice dated 27.01.2024
Quotation Notice for supply of Syber green and cDNA kit at Dept. of Science & Technology and Biotechnology at IPGME&R -SSKMH - Notice dated 27.01.2024
Quotation Notice for supply of Oligomycin and FCCD (Sigma) at Dept. of Science & Technology and Biotechnology at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 25.01.2024
Quotation Notice for supply of Cell tak (Corning) at Dept. of Science & Technology and Biotechnology at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 25.01.2024
Quotation Notice for supply of Total Nucleic Acid Extraction at Dept. of Microbiology IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 19.01.2024
Quotation Notice for supply of Respiratory Viral Pathogen Kit at Dept. of Microbiology IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 19.01.2024
Quotation Notice for supply of Manikins at Dept. of Physiology IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 13.01.2024
Quotation Notice for supply of HBcAg Core Human at IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 08.01.2024
Quotation Notice of Linen store IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 10.01.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Bonavera Cell counter reagent for Thalasamia Unit at Dept. of Microbiology, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 08.01.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Viral Transplant Pannel RT-PCR test, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 08.01.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of TRUPCR Neuro Panel detection kit by RT PCR kit at Dept. of Microbiology, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 08.01.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items at different Dept., IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 04.01.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Scrub Typhus Elisha kits at Dept. of Microbilogy, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 04.01.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items at ENT Male Ward and RTU (Brachy OT), IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 03.01.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Eleven medicines to Medicine Store, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 02.01.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Seven medicines to Medicine Store, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 02.01.2024
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Seahorse XFp Flux Pack, Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 28.12.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of antibody CST, Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 28.12.2023
Quotation Notice for Repair Work, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 28.12.2023
Quotation for supply of HbeAg&Ab Elisa kit at VRDL, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 23.12.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Head up tilt table with Accessories at IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 21.12.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of one medicine to Medicine Store of Bangur Institute of Neurology, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 15.12.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of one medicine to Medicine Store of Gynae OT, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 15.12.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of two medicines to Medicine Store of Neonatalogy Dept., IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 15.12.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of two medicines to Medicine Store of Maternity Ward, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 15.12.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items at Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 15.12.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for procurement of "CGH Microarray Service and Analysis of 6 samples" for Dept. of C.T.V.S, IPGMER-SSKMH - Notice dated 14.12.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items at Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 11.12.2023
Quotation notice for TRU PCR Nucleic acid extraction kit at IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 09.12.2023
Quotation notice for TRU PCR Neuroviral profile at IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 09.12.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Bottles at Department of Neonatology, IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 03.12.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items at Pathology Store, IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 03.12.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of HBcAg core human at Centre for Liver Research School of Digestive and Liver Diseases, IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 30.11.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Direct Cool Refrigerator (2-8°C) at Department of Microbiology, IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 22.11.2023
Notice for Re-Quotation of Pathology Store, Phenotyping reagent at IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 21.11.2023
Notice for silected qualified bidder for Physical Demostration of Bicycle Ergometer at IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.11.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for Deep Freezer at Dept. of Microbiology, IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 17.11.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation of one dressing item for supply to Linen store, IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 10.11.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items at Department of Pharmacology, IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 10.11.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items at Pathology Store, IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 09.11.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for PCR kit, ICNA project of BIN, IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 09.11.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of drugs to Medicine Store of IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 08.11.2023
Quotation Notice for procurement of CGH Microarray Service and Analysis of 6 samples at Department of C.T.V.S, IPGME&R - Notice dated 08.11.2023
Quotation Notice for different items at Department of Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology, IPGME&R - Notice dated 07.11.2023
Quotation Notice for different Elisa Kits at Pathology Store, IPGME&R - Notice dated 02.11.2023
Quotation Notice for different items at Pathology Store, IPGME&R - Notice dated 02.11.2023
Quotation Notice for Seahorse XFp Flux Pack for Govt. of India funded project at IPGME&R - Notice dated 17.10.2023
Cancellation notice for Quotation for Bicycle Ergometer vide Memo No. Inst./5427 dated 12/09/2023 and purchase order vide order no. Inst./Store/249/23-24 dated 27/09/2023
Quotation Notice for Procurement of Contact Lens trial set under Surgical store at IPGME&R - Notice dated 05.10.2023
Quotation for supply of PCR kit ICNA project of BIN at IPGME&R - Notice dated 04.10.2023
Quotation for supply of PVDF/Filter paper for Govt. of India funded project at IPGME&R - Notice dated 03.10.2023
Quotation for supply of Invitrogen for Govt. of India funded project at IPGME&R - Notice dated 03.10.2023
Quotation for supply of Total Nucleic acid extraction kit at Dept. of Microbiology - Notice dated 21.09.2023
Quotation for supply of Respiratory Viral Pathogen Panel kit by RTPCR at Dept. of Microbiology - Notice dated 21.09.2023
Quotation for supply of HbeAg&Ab Elisa kit at VRDL - Notice dated 21.09.2023
Quotation for supply of some Medicines to Medicine Store of IPGMER-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 21.09.2023
Quotation of Pathology store for BIN genetic lab at IPGME&R - Notice dated 19.09.2023
Quotation for project JC Bose Fellowship funded by Science and Engineering Board (SERB) at IPGME&R - Notice dated 15.09.2023
Quotation for FABP4 ELISA Kit for MRU at IPGME&R - Notice dated 13.09.2023
Quotation for supply of Bicycle Ergometer at IPGME&R - Notice dated 13.09.2023
Quotation for supply of consumables for MPL and CALR Real Time PCR Kit at IPGME&R - Notice dated 11.09.2023
Quotation of Brucella IgM ELISA test Kit in Dept. of Microbiology, IPGME&R - Notice dated 11.09.2023
Quotation of Brucella IgG ELISA test Kit in Dept. of Microbiology, IPGME&R - Notice dated 11.09.2023
Quotation of some stationary items for Stationary Store, IPGMER SSKMH - Notice dated 08.09.2023
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for IPGME&R SSKM Hospital through Surgical Store - Notice dated 04.09.2023
Quotation notice for food for Follow Up Clinic (FUC) training on KMC at the Dept. of Neonatology, IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 05.09.2023
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles at Surgical Store of IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 01.09.2023
Quotation for supply of different items at different departments of IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 31.08.2023
Quotation for supply of different items at Dept. of Microbiology, IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 31.08.2023
Notice inviting quotation Neuroviral panel kits for VRDL Lab - Notice dated 29.08.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation of one dressing item for supply to Linen store - Notice dated 24.08.2023
Quotation notice for supply of PowerUP SYBR Green master mix for qPCR, Dept. of Pharmacology, IPGME&R SSKM Hospital through Surgical Store - Notice dated 16.08.2023
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for IPGME&R SSKM Hospital through Surgical Store - Notice dated 14.08.2023
Quotation For Genetic Lab BIN, IPGME&R SSKM - Notice dated 14.08.2023
Quotation notice for supply of HBeAg & Ab ELISA Kit, Dept. of Microbiology, IPGME&R SSKM - Notice dated 11.08.2023
Quotation notice for procurement of some Equipment Articles for IPGME&R SSKM Hospital through Surgical Store - Notice dated 09.08.2023
Quotation for BIN SPARC Study Laptop, IPGME&R-SSKM - Notice dated 04.08.2023
Quotation for Anti-Polyvalent HRP Polymer DAB Kit for JC Bose Fellowship project funded by SERB, DST, Govt. of lndia, IPGME&R-SSKM - Notice dated 01.08.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Consumables for Viral Load Sample Testing & Cryptococcal Antigen Kit, IPGME&R-SSKM - Notice dated 02.08.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items for Centre for Liver Research School of Digestive and Liver Diseases Dept. of IPGME&R-SSKM - Notice dated 26.07.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation of some dressing items for supply to Linen store of IPGME&R-SSKM - Notice dated 25.07.2023
Notice inviting Quotation of Recombinant Adjuvanted Herpes Zoster for supply to Medicine Store of IPGME&R-SSKM - Notice dated 25.07.2023
Quotation for supply of Human CASP1 (Caspase-l) ELISA Kit I E-EL-H0016 and Human lL-1p {lnterleukin 1 Beta} ELISA Kit / E-EL- 0149, IPGME&R-SSKM - Notice dated 25.07.2023
Quotation for supply of different items for different Dept. Lab., Ward & Blood Bank Department of IPGME&R-SSKM - Notice dated 24.07.2023
Quotation Notice of Form Store in all department of IPGME&R-SSKM - Notice dated 13.07.2023
Quotation Notice of Form Store in all department of IPGME&R-SSKM - Notice dated 13.07.2023
Quotation for supply of Leptospira IgM ELISA Kit in Microbiology Dept. of IPGME&R-SSKM - Notice dated 14.07.2023
Quotation for supply of some Medicines to Medicine Store of IPGME&R-SSKM - Notice dated 10.07.2023
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of OT Table Matress Full Set for different department, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 04.07.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Leptospira IgM ELISA Kit, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 03.07.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Double pump set at Neonatology Department, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 30.06.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of ELISA KIT at Dept. of Community Medicine, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 27.06.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of HBeAg & Ab ELISA KIT at Dept. of Microbiology, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 26.06.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of some Medicines to Medicine Store of IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 24.06.2023
Quotation for Food in FBNC training at Neonatology Department, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 23.06.2023
Quotation for Quality of Neurovirology Panel Kit by RT-PCR under VRDL Project, Department of Microbiology, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 19.06.2023
Quotation for Total Neucleic Acid Extraction Kit under VRDL project, Department of Microbiology, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 19.06.2023
Notice inviting Quotation for some item from Linen Store, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 21.06.2023
Quotation for supply of Laptop for ICMR funded project of IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 17.06.2023
Quotation for supply of Cell Signalling Technology for ICMR project of Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology Department, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 14.06.2023
Quotation for supply of Sigma-MERCK for ICMR project of Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology Department, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 14.06.2023
Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Proteintech, IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 12.06.2023
Sealed quotations are invited for supply of Kit- High Capacity CDNA RT, {200 RXNS) and RNA Later R0901 - 100 ml (Sigma), IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 09.06.2023
Quotation for supply of Thermo Invitrogen for Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology Dept of IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 08.06.2023
Notice inviting Quotation for some item from Linen Store of Bangur Institute of Neuroscience, Kolkata - Notice dated 06.06.2023
Quotation for supply of Biological Refrigerator for Pathology Department, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 06.06.2023
Quotation for supply of Sigma Merck for ICMR project of Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology Department, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 01.06.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of some Medicines to Medicine Store of IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 01.06.2023
Quotation for supply of Invitrogen for Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology Dept of IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 29.05.2023
Quotation Notice for supply of Food FBNC follow up training of IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 29.05.2023
Notice inviting Quotation for some items from Linen Store of IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 23.05.2023
Quotation for supply of different items for Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology Dept at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 17.05.2023
Quotation for project, Dept. of Health Research Govt. of India entitled "Establishment of a Multidisciplinary Unit" at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 19.05.2023
Quotation Inviting Notice for procurement of Water Purifier Machine, Sambhunath Pandit Hospital - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 17.05.2023
Quotation for supply of different items for Pathology Store, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.04.2023
Quotation for supply of different items for ICMR project of Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology Dept, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 26.04.2023
Quotation Notice for supply of different items at Dept. of Endocrinology, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 20.04.2023
Notice inviting Quotation for some item from Linen Store of Bangur Institute of Neuroscience, Kolkata - Notice dated 19.04.2023
Quotation Notice for supply of different items at Dept. of Endocrinology, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 18.04.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Segmental Body Composition Monitor at different department, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 10.04.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of different items at Neurogenetic Lab, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 6.04.2023
Quotation for Influenza Panel Including H1N1 by RT PCR detection kit under VRDL Project, Department of Microbiology, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.03.2023
Quotation for Neurovirology Panel Kit by Rt PCR based detection Kit under VRDL Project, Department of Microbiology, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 27.03.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of some Medicines to Medicine Store IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.03.2023
Quotation for some items from Linen Store of IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 30.03.2023
Quotation Notice for supply of different items at Dept. of Endocrinology, IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 28.03.2023
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of some Medicines to Medicine Store of IPGME&R - SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 25.03.2023
Quotation Notice for supply of Total Neucleic Acid Extraction Kit used for V.R.D.L Project at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 18.03.2023
Quotation Notice for supply of Desktop Computer for National Viral Hepatitis Control Programme at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 21.03.2023
Quotation Notice for following works to be done at the New Boys Hostel and Dormitories for 1st year MBBS Students of IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 20.03.2023
Quotation Notice for supply of Sartorius Pipette at Rheumatology Dept. of IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 11.03.2023
Quotation Notice for supply of different ELISA Kit at Endocrinology Dept. of IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 06.03.2023
Quotation Notice for supply of LG 688 Ltr Refrigerator at Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology Dept. of IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 24.02.2023
Quotation Notice for supply of Laminar Air Flow Hood Machine (Horizontal) at Eye Bank of IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 01.03.2023
Quotation Notice of Total Nucleic acid extraction kit at Microbiology Department at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 24.02.2023
Quotation Notice of Neurovirology Panel Kit by Real Time PCR at Microbiology Department at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 24.02.2023
Notice inviting Quotation for some items from Linen Store of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital Annex 1 BIN - Notice dated 23.02.2023
Quotation for food to trainees and trainers in regards FBNC training at Neonatology Department at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 17.02.2023
Notice inviting Quotation for some items from Linen Store of IPGEMER - SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 16.02.2023
Quotations for DBT project of Rheumatology Department, IPGEMER - SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 13.02.2023
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of following DRUGS to Medicine Store of IPGEMER - SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 13.02.2023
Quotation for food in regards FBNC training at Neonatology Department at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 10.02.2023
Quotation for supply of Laptop for project at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 10.02.2023
Quotation for project, Dept. of Health Research Govt. of India entitled "Establishment of a Multidisciplinary Unit" at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 30.01.2023
Quotation for supply of pathology store in mant departments and ward at IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 30.01.2023
Order for Paediatric Medicine, Surgery, Oncology & Hematology have been settled to 4th floor main block - Notice dated 23.01.2023
Quotation for food in regards FBNC training at Neonatology Department, IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 17.01.2023
Quotation for food in regards FBNC training at Neonatology Department, IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 17.01.2023
Quotation for food in regards FBNC training at Neonatology Department, IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 17.01.2023
Tender for procurement of "GH Microarray Service and Analysis of 20 samples" for Dept. of C.T.V.S, IPGME&R- SSKMH, Kolkata - Notice dated 13.01.2023
Quotation for PCR Kit as per Specification, IPGEMER - SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 13.01.2023
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of following DRUGS to Medicine Store of IPGEMER - SSKM, Kolkata - Notice dated 13.01.2023
Quotation notice for supply of Titanium flip up holder & Surgical loupes for different department, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 29.12.2022
Quotation notice for supply of different items for different department, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 29.12.2022
Quotation for project JC Bose Fellowship, funded by science and Engineering Board (SERB), IPGME&R SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 28.12.2022
Notice inviting Quotation (7) for supply of some Equipment Articles to be procured from Surgical Store of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.12.2022
Notice inviting Quotation (6) for supply of some Equipment Articles to be procured from Surgical Store of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.12.2022
Notice inviting Quotation (5) for supply of some Equipment Articles to be procured from Surgical Store of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.12.2022
Notice inviting Quotation (4) for supply of some Equipment Articles to be procured from Surgical Store of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.12.2022
Notice inviting Quotation (3) for supply of some Equipment Articles to be procured from Surgical Store of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 21.12.2022
Notice inviting Quotation (2) for supply of cold cabinet / show case cooler to be procured from Surgical Store of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 21.12.2022
Notice inviting Quotation (1) for supply of some Equipment Articles to be procured from Surgical Store of IPGME&R SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 21.12.2022
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of following DRUGS to Medicine Store Department of IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 21.12.2022
Notice inviting quotation for food in regards FBNC training at Neonatology Department of IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 12.12.2022
Notice inviting Quotation for different items at the Pathology store of IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 10.12.2022
Notice inviting Quotation for Reagents at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 30.11.2022
Notice inviting Quotation for some items from Linen Store at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 24.11.2022
Notice inviting Quotation for Human Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4 (FABP4) at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 24.11.2022
Notice inviting Quotation for Human Beta Defensin ELISA Kit at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 24.11.2022
Notice inviting Quotation for CCTV for Library with Installtion at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 21.11.2022
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of following DRUGS to Medicine Store, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 21.11.2022
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of HBeAg & Ab Elisa Kit, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 18.11.2022
Quotation for reagents, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 11.11.2022
Quotation for supply of Hot Plate Stirrer at Dept. of Health Research, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 09.11.2022
Quotation for supply of Medicine at Sambhu Nath Pandit Hospital, Kolkata - Notice dated 08.11.2022
Quotation for FBNC training of Nurse at Neonatology Department IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 25.10.2022
Quotation for Reagents as per specification at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 08.09.2022
Quotation Inviting Notice for procurement of Washing Machine at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 14.10.2022
Quotation for Desktop Computers with Installation at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 12.10.2022
Quotation Notice for Laser Printers with installation at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 12.10.2022
Quotation notice for calibration of micropipette at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 10.10.2022
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of following medicines to Medicine Store at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 11.10.2022
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of following food items to Medicine Store at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 11.10.2022
Quotations for Hot Plate Stirrer at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 28.09.2022
Quotation notice for supply of Neuro S-Patties for different department, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 27.09.2022
Quotation notice for supply of different items for different department, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 27.09.2022
Quotation for project,Dept. of Health Research for Cusabio ELISA, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 09.09.2022
Quotation for JC Bose Fellowship project funded by SERB for different items, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 12.09.2022
Quotation for JC Bose Fellowship project funded by SERB for different items, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 12.09.2022
Quotation notice for high speed HDMI Cable and accessories, IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 10.09.2022
Notice Inviting Quotation for the supply Mouse & Rabbit specific HRP/DAB IHC Detection Kit- with all accessories at WBDSTBT, IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 24.08.2022
Notice Inviting Quotation for the supply of different medicines at Medicine Store, IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 22.08.2022
Quotation for Human Beta Defensin 2 Elisa Kit for Govt of India funded project at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 20.08.2022
Quotation for MMP-9 Elisa Kit and TCP025, Cell Strainer for Govt of India funded project at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 05.08.2022
Quotation for different items for pathology store IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 10.08.2022
Quotation notice (Memo No Inst-4138) for purchase of books for Central Library, IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 10.08.2022
Quotation notice (Memo No Inst-4137) for purchase of books for Central Library, IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 10.08.2022
Quotation notice (Memo No Inst-4136) for purchase of books for Central Library, IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 10.08.2022
Quotation notice for supply of food for training of Nurses at the Dept. of Neonatology, IPGME &R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 09.08.2022
Notice inviting Quotation for supply of following medicines to Medicine Store of IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 08.08.2022
Quotation notice for supply of food for training of Nurses at the Dept. of Neonatology, IPGME &R-SSKM Hospital - Notice dated 05.08.2022
Quotation for project JC Bose Fellowship funded by Science and Engineering Board, IPGME&R-SSKMH Hospital - Notice dated 02.08.2022
Quotation for project JC Bose Fellowship funded by Science and Engineering Board, IPGME&R-SSKMH Hospital - Notice dated 27.07.2022
Quotation for supply of following medicines to Medicine Store of Bangur Institute of Neurosciences - Notice dated 29.07.2022
Quotation for Invtrogen FBS and Sigma M252O-1OXIL for project funded by Science and Engineering Board, IPGME&R-SSKMH Hospital - Notice dated 27.07.2022
Quotation for project JC Bose Fellowship funded by Science and Engineering Board, IPGME&R-SSKMH Hospital - Notice dated 20.07.2022
Quotation notice for Calibration of different volume range Micropipette under the Pathology Store, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 20.07.2022
Quotation purchase of Laptop in ICMR funded project at IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 15.07.2022
Quotation for JC Bose Fellowship project funded by SERB for two different items, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 13.07.2022
Quotation for JC Bose Fellowship project funded by SERB for two Seahorse XFp Flux Pack items, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 13.07.2022
Tender Notice for procurement of some surgical items related to Cardiology Dept, IPGME&R - Notice dated 08.07.2022
Tender Notice for procurement of some Surgical items related to General Surgery Dept, IPGME&R - Notice dated 08.07.2022
Notice inviting quotation for for the Projector for the Dept. of CTVS, IPGME&R - Notice dated 11.07.2022
Notice inviting quotation for laptops on monthly rental basis for 6 months for an ICMR project, IPGME&R-SSKMH Hospital - Notice dated 11.07.2022
Notice inviting quotation for Tarsons Micro centrifuge machine in Rheumatology dept. of IPGME&R-SSKMH Hospital - Notice dated 07.07.2022
Quotation notice for supply of Human L1 Cam MAb and Human Yap1 MAb in Dept. of Health & Research, IPGME&R-SSKMH Hospital - Notice dated 08.07.2022
Notice for quotation for ENTRONOX Kit and Cylinder, IPGME&R-SSKMH - Notice dated 06.07.2022